
Go for Professional Tree Care Services

 If you have a garden and you know about some basics of tree care then you must know that spring is the time when you need to take special care of your trees. Due to stored nutrients a tremendous amount of growth occurs during this part of the year. Around end of spring seasons, the tree has almost used most of its stored nutrients and will start the process of photosynthesis or making new nutrient supplies. In few cases, a tree might have enough nutrients stored to leafing out but not enough to continue growing. This is the reason why heavy pruning is not recommended after the spring season. Most of the pruning can be done all year round with somewhat less effect on the tree. You can of course prune the diseases, dead or weak limbs. As a thumb rule, wound closure is fastest and the growth is maximized if pruning takes places before spring growth flush. There are some trees like birches and maples that bleed if they are pruned early in this season. There are also some trees diseases, f